Sounds like we're talking about code review.
But I want to qualify "integration into bugzilla": I explicitly do not
want a tool that is tightly coupled to bugzilla. In fact, I want a
tool that has as little to do with bugzilla as feasible.
I'm a contributor to the Review Board project[1], which is not coupled
with Bugzilla whatsoever.
It also has an extension called ReviewBot[2], which can run patches
through static analysis or automated tests, and inject the results
automatically into the review request as a ReviewBot review.
It has support for teams / review groups, and multiple repositories
(both private/public Github repos, as well as self-hosted hg repos).
I'm happy to answer questions about Review Board if anybody has any. If
we're talking about considering new review tools, I think Review Board
should be on the list of things to try.
Here are some pretty pictures:
On 24/05/2013 10:50 AM, Justin Lebar wrote:
* I think we should experiment (again) with real pull-request integration
into bugzilla.
I'm totally in favor of better tools and real pull requests, and of
course the PRs need to be linked to bugzilla /somehow/.
But I want to qualify "integration into bugzilla": I explicitly do not
want a tool that is tightly coupled to bugzilla. In fact, I want a
tool that has as little to do with bugzilla as feasible.
I mean no disrespect to our bugzilla maintainers, who have an
impossible and largely thankless job, but bugzilla has so much baggage
from the '90s, my experience is that it ruins everything it touches.
Consider for example how much better harthur's fileit and dashboard
tools [1] [2] are than bugzilla's built-in equivalents.
We shouldn't conflate owning the PR data with integrating the PR tool
into bugzilla. If we do, we risk ending up with yet another crappy
non-solution to a real problem (see bugzilla interdiff, splinter
integration, and so on).
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