----- Original Message -----

> From: "Benjamin Smedberg" <benja...@smedbergs.us>
> To: "Scott Johnson" <sjohn...@mozilla.com>
> Cc: dev-platform@lists.mozilla.org, "Michael Hoye"
> <mh...@mozilla.com>

> * Automated tools: mhoye has identified lack of automated review as
> one
> of our biggest blockers to getting more mentors involved and having
> successful mentoring for new volunteers. It turns out that nobody
> wants
> to mentor bugs when most of the interaction involves "please fix this
> whitespace/style/etc". cc'ing him so he can provide more details.

Yeah, so, about that. 

Having spoken to a handful of developers, this is #2 on the List Of Things 
People Dislike About Mentoring, having to go back-and-forth with a contributor 
about style conventions and whitespace. In short, everyone hates it, everyone 
understands that this should be completely and utterly automated. A question 
I'm trying to clear up for myself is: I understand that clang-format is somehow 
inadequate to our needs, but I see that there's an explicit "clang-format 
-style=Mozilla" option that claims to be doing the right Mozilla thing. So, I'm 
hoping somebody can give me a clearer idea of how clang-format is broken. 

Given the number of hours wasted every year on formatting nits, though, and the 
broader disenchantment with mentoring that it fosters, I'd really like to solve 
the hell out of this problem. 

As well, one of the really interesting things covered at MSR 2013 was how much 
machine learning and automation you can do if you've got tooling in place to 
keep track of your code-review process over a few months or years, and how 
there are significant quality and productivity gains to be found once you've 
got a corpus of knowledge built up there. So there's also that. 

So I'm looking at a few code-review tools, but the fact of it is I'm not really 
qualified to recommend one over the other. Feasible open-source options 
include, to my eye: 

- ReviewBoard 
- Phabricator 
- BarKeep , and 
- Gerrit 

... in no particular order. I understand there's some love here for ReviewBoard 
and Gerrit, but I'm going to look into what sort of logging and integration 
they provide, and I'll let you know what I find. 


- mhoye 
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