On Sat, Feb 08, 2003 at 03:33:07PM +0100, Michel D?nzer scrawled:
> On Sam, 2003-02-08 at 01:17, Daniel Stone wrote:
> > On Sat, Feb 08, 2003 at 01:04:18AM +0100, Michel D?nzer scrawled:
> > > Duh, gcc obviously needs _its own_ version in the package name. I was
> > > talking about xserver3.2-xfree86 (built with gcc 3.2), xlibs2.3.1 (built
> > > against glibc 2.3.1), ... because those version numbers are about as
> > > relevant to those packages as the Mesa version number is to xlibmesa.
> > 
> > I agree entirely with Branden: if the changes are irrelevant, why does
> > upstream keep bumping the *major* revision number?
> I suspect Marcelo could explain this far better than I can, but I'm not
> sure he's reading this, so I'll try once again:
> The Mesa version number reflects the progress of the Mesa project. The
> purpose of the Mesa project (and the xlibmesa packages) is to provide an
> implementation of the OpenGL specification. Neither the API nor the ABI
> of the libGL provided by Mesa has changed since Mesa version 3.x at
> least.

Right, however giving xlibmesa a version number that only relates to
XFree86, and not to Mesa at all, would be pretty misleading, because
they'd see xlibmesa-gl, with a version of 4.2.1-5, and say "Oh, that
must be Mesa version 4!".


> PS: Will you please fix the xlibmesa4-drm-src package at least? As I've
> told you before, the name is broken because the DRM has nothing to do
> with Mesa, and DRI stands for Direct Rendering _Infrastructure_.

How did DRI ever come into this? I'll rename it to something less
broken, I agree, but I don't see how the acronym for DRI comes into

Daniel Stone                                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Developer, Trinity College, University of Melbourne

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