On Sun, Feb 09, 2003 at 01:43:33AM +0100, Michel D?nzer scrawled:
> A broken package name to compensate for broken assumptions? Right. Give
> it the Mesa version then, or document it in the description, or
> wherever.

You obviously don't understand how Debian's packaging system works.
Please come back when you understand the fact that all binary packages
carry the version assigned to the source package, and that this is

> > > PS: Will you please fix the xlibmesa4-drm-src package at least? As I've
> > > told you before, the name is broken because the DRM has nothing to do
> > > with Mesa, and DRI stands for Direct Rendering _Infrastructure_.
> > 
> > How did DRI ever come into this? I'll rename it to something less
> > broken, I agree, but I don't see how the acronym for DRI comes into
> > this.
> Read your description, and note my emphasis?

Oh, a typo. Please be more clear in future.

Daniel Stone                                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Developer, Trinity College, University of Melbourne

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