On Thu, May 09, 2002 at 06:35:46PM +0200, Christian Marillat wrote:
> >> "BR" == Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Simple.  I find it extremely distressing that such a major piece of our
> > distribution is maintained by a person who, until I pointed out
> > otherwise:
> Really ? apparently users are happys with my packages.

Oh, so if users are happy with a package, you can violate any part of
the Debian Policy Manual you want?  I'd better tell Manoj this, he'll be
all over you.

> > 1) didn't know how conffiles worked (Bug #143018);
> Wrong. The bug submiter has never removed this file. Read again the bug
> report.

He never said any such thing.  He said there was an /etc/X11/rgb.txt on
every other box that he looked at, and that he had the symlink from
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb.txt, but the target file was missing on one

*NOWHERE* did he swear that he had never, ever removed it.  And
furthermore, xfree86-common provides the conffile in the correct
fashion.  This report was either user error or a dpkg bug.

> [...]
> > By the way, your new upload of gnome-print continues to betray an
> > incomplete grasp of 3) above:
> [...]
> > To follow up on my suggestion that you consult with a Debian "mentor", I
> > suggest the following relationships:
> Your suggestion is an order ?

What dictionary do you use that provides "order" as a synomym for

> > Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, gs
> > Suggests: gsfonts-other, gsfonts-x11
> No, libgnomeprint-data need the gsfonts-* packages. If I move those
> packages in suggests dselect will never install those packages. Read the
> BTS for previous bug report against gnome-print.

I have.  There is no resolved bug report that appears to be on point.

Why exactly does libgnomeprint-data depend on fonts?  The package
description offers no rationale ("This package contains fonts and locale
files needed by gnome-print.") More to the point, why does
libgnomeprint-data need to depend on locally installed X fonts?

        1. Fonts of any type supported by the X Window System must be be
        in a separate binary package from any executables, libraries, or
        documentation (except that specific to the fonts shipped, such
        as their license information). If one or more of the fonts so
        packaged are necessary for proper operation of the package with
        which they are associated the font package may be Recommended;
        if the fonts merely provide an enhancement, a Suggests
        relationship may be used. Packages must not Depend on font

What disaster happens with any package from the gnome-print source
package if gsfonts-x11 is not installed?  "If the fonts merely provide
an enhancement, a Suggests relationship may be used."

G. Branden Robinson                |
Debian GNU/Linux                   |       Extra territorium jus dicenti
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |       impune non paretur.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |

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