On Thu, May 09, 2002 at 10:21:56AM +0200, Christian Marillat wrote:
> >> "BR" == Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Gar, Marillat strikes again.
> What is your problem Robinson ?

Simple.  I find it extremely distressing that such a major piece of our
distribution is maintained by a person who, until I pointed out

1) didn't know how conffiles worked (Bug #143018);
2) doesn't read, or does not understand, the Debian Policy Manual
   regarding X-based packages;
3) doesn't understand that if your package A depends on B, and B Depends
   on C, that it doesn't make any sense for your package to recommend B

GNOME is both highly complex and widely used, and therefore needs a
maintainer who is familiar and comfortable with the Debian packaging
system and the Policy manual.  If you do not subscribe to
debian-mentors, perhaps you should.

By the way, your new upload of gnome-print continues to betray an
incomplete grasp of 3) above:

 Package: libgnomeprint-data
 Version: 0.35-5
 Section: libs
 Priority: optional
 Architecture: all
 Depends: libgnomeprint-bin (>= 0.32-1), gs
 Recommends: gsfonts, gsfonts-x11
 Suggests: gsfonts-other
 Replaces: libgnomeprint6, gnome-print
 Installed-Size: 1516
 Maintainer: Christian Marillat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Source: gnome-print

To follow up on my suggestion that you consult with a Debian "mentor", I
suggest the following relationships:

Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, gs
Suggests: gsfonts-other, gsfonts-x11

G. Branden Robinson                |          Measure with micrometer,
Debian GNU/Linux                   |          mark with chalk,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |          cut with axe,
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |          hope like hell.

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