Yes.. but the person being served the wrong page will most likely have the
characterset loaded that's necessary to make sense of his language name at
the bottom of the screen.

I'm not as concerned if english speaking people (for example) see a little 
garbage at the bottom of the screen in an area that's clearly meant to show
alternate language choices.

On Fri, Oct 29, 1999 at 09:14:52AM +0200, peter karlsson wrote:
> Darren O. Benham:
> > I know that some people (like those in the US) will get garbage for some
> > language names (like Japanese) 
> The problem is the character sets, since the word for "Japanese" uses
> characters from the Japanese character set, while the character set for, for
> instance, the Swedish pages is iso-8859-1, since that contains the Swedish
> characters. This will *always* produce garbage in correctly configured
> browsers for names with non-ASCII representations when displayed on other
> pages than their own.
> My suggestion is to try to create several representations of the name of
> each language, one for each character set used. This way, if a langage
> string that uses iso-8859-1 characters are written on a Japanese page, those
> characters are then changed to their closest low-ASCII representation, and
> the string for "Japanese" on the non-Japanese pages would be the Roman
> transliteration of the name.
> This is an imperfect solution, yes, but unless the pages change to Unicode,
> it's the only one that will work sufficiently well.
> -- 
> \\//
> peter -

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