On Fri, 10 Oct 2008 19:24:32 +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:

> > So if you detect a problem when upgrading your system to Lenny you
> > can describe the problem by submitting a bug report against
> > 'upgrade-reports', e.g. by simply typing 'reportbug upgrade-reports'.
> Tremendously.  I now have reportbug configured and waiting to be used, and it 
> seems great at handholding which is what I told it that I wanted.

I'm glad you like it, reportbug is really a nice tool.
> So I can almost guarantee that I will now have no problems at all between now 
> and when Lenny is released!

Cool :)
> I had obviously not asked the right questions, because I had never heard of 
> reportbug before.  Now if I still can't get my scanner working....  

Sorry, I have no experience with scanners.

> Thanks Gregor :-)

You're welcome!

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