Hi Linda! l. m. wirthmann schrieb:
> i'm not much of a programmer. i recently started to translate some docs > (into german) for kde (only because of a friend who does that and who > helps me with all my stupid questions) and enjoy it so far, but would > rather get involved with debian itself. yes, i also subscribed to the > german translator list for debian, but i'm still far too shy to > introduce myself there and ask for guidance. Oh, don't worry. The folk on the German translator list aren't that bad ;) BTW: I once did a talk about how to contribute to Debian as a non-technical User. If you like I can send you the slides, maybe it helps you a bit? > i am willing and able to learn almost everything (as i also have a lot > of free time..) but i don't know where to start and whom to speak with > and in which ways i can contribute, so i'd love to be given any piece of > advice. You could also take a look at http://blog.schmehl.info/Debian/releasing-lenny ; where I recently bloged a bit how to help releasing Lenny. Maybe there's something for you, too? > (yeah, i know, i could just read the websites to gather > information, but i feel more comfortable speaking directly to people. > especially women. it's stupid and a prejudice, but i'm still afraid of > being laughed at [by men] for asking "dumb" questions and not knowing > everything by myself.) Hmmm... Keep an eye on upcoming Events / Fairs / Exhibitions, where Debian is present (very good for asking questions, and most of our booth people are quite nice, even to "newbies"). Or look out for our so called "Bug Squashing Parties" (which happen as real live meetings, too). You can learn a lot by joining such a party and talking to people. Best regards, Alexander
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