2008/10/10 Lynoure Braakman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Don't let your heart sink. Silence on debian-women might also mean that > the women now feel so comfy in Debian that there is not much need for > the list activity anymore.
I agree. I also feel that one of the goals of the list -to provide a path for women and girls to get into Debian Development- is not needed that much anymore, as I really feel there are no problems for a woman to get directly into most development teams. We have the second goal pending anyway, that is to be able to attract more women to the project, and in that way I think the project is still needed and it would be nice if we could make it more active. I don't have any great marvellous ideas on how to achieve this (to make more women attracted to the idea of cooperating with Debian's development), and I really don't think the most important problems we might face in this regard are Debian-specific in any way, but that they depend instead on the way society is structured, education, expectations put on women, and the patriarchy in general. It should still be a goal for the team, as difficult as it might be to achieve, to get more women attracted to Debian's development, so the list might still have a reason to exist. Greetings, Miry -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]