On Sat, Nov 16, 2019 at 05:40:10PM +0000, Dmitry Bogatov wrote:
> [2019-11-15 11:52] Ian Jackson <ijack...@chiark.greenend.org.uk>
> > Dmitry, I suggest instead, this change to your original text:
>       Being able to run Debian systems with init systems other than
>       systemd continues to be value for the project. Package not
>       working with pid1 != systemd is RC bug, unless it was designed
>       by upstream to work exclusively with systemd and no support for
>       running without systemd is available.
> > That means that if upstream drop the init script, or say they do not
> > care about non-systemd, we in Debian will still ship the init script
> > (and apply needed patches if they exist).
> >
> > What do you think ?
> Yes, I agree with your proposed change.  We need four more votes for
> this wording appear on ballot, I guess.

Someone needs to be clear that something is proposed, and that
it's being seconded. I don't see Ian either actually proposing it
as an option, nor seconding it. As far as I understand, you actually
made a different proposal without any seconds.

I guess that "is RC bug" overrides the power of a delegate (the
release team). The delegation
says "Which issues are release-critical (RC)".


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