Brian Gupta writes ("Re: Draft text on Init Systems GR"): > On Thu, Nov 14, 2019 at 7:51 PM Dmitry Bogatov <> wrote: > > Dmitry Bogatov writes ("Draft text on Init Systems GR"): > > > Choice 1: Affirm Init Diversity ... > Do you think it's ok in any case to remove init scripts. Let's say > an upstream stops maintaining init scripts, and only ships unit > files and says, oh all the distros we care about use systemd, so > we're not going to bother to support init scripts any more. Assuming > we already have an init script that works fine, can/ should we > remove it if the upstream no longer supports it? I guess my question > is what does it mean to say "designed by upstream to work > exclusively with systemd"? Is that ambiguous, or clear to everyone? > I think we're going to hit grey areas, where upstreams may only test > with systemd, but that it can be made to work with any init system.
I agree with this criticism of Dmitry's wording. Russ writes: > BTW, if this option passed, I believe the implication would also be > that all GNOME ecosystem packages can drop all sysvinit support and > that no maintainers of packages designed upstream to work with > logind are under any obligation to support elogind. Is that what you > intend? This is very a undesirable consequence IMO. Dmitry, I suggest instead, this change to your original text: Being able to run Debian systems with init systems other than systemd continues to be value for the project. Package not working with pid1 != systemd is RC bug, unless it was designed by upstream to work exclusively with systemd {+ and no support for running without systemd is available +}. That means that if upstream drop the init script, or say they do not care about non-systemd, we in Debian will still ship the init script (and apply needed patches if they exist). What do you think ? Ian. -- Ian Jackson <> These opinions are my own. If I emailed you from an address or, that is a private address which bypasses my fierce spamfilter.