Raphael Hertzog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: [...]
> If you want to improve the NM process, fine, the NM team awaits your help.

Is that true?  Is the NM team awaiting help to improve the process, or
is it only awaiting help to operate the current process?

Last year, I suggested improving the NM process into something like a
modern education system by splitting the training, assessment,
moderation and awarding; and making the process more focused on an NM
work portfolio instead of the AM report.  I remember some off-list
emails, but I don't remember the specific reasons why it floundered.

Now we're another year on, NMs are still often given make-work tasks,
still seem to wait arbitrary lengths of time, still rely for too much
on one AM for far too long and restart with a new AM in case of
problems (if they are lucky).

The Debian Maintainers model would be a good way to build an NM
portfolio, so I support the idea.

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