>>>>> "MJ" == MJ Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    MJ> 1. Sven Luther is suspended from all debian lists for a year,
    MJ> which should be similar to (b), because the project generally
    MJ> liked his two-month self-suspension and wishes not to receive
    MJ> his discussion contributions at the moment.

    MJ> 3. Sven Luther is reinstated as a full developer, reversing
    MJ> (a), because the project wishes to receive his technical
    MJ> contributions.

Is it possible to act as a developer without mailing list access?

    MJ> 4. Evading the suspension will be regarded as a second offence
    MJ> of header-forgery on lists.debian.org and should result in
    MJ> immediate expulsion, as in the Debian Machine Usage Policies.

I assume other people will be able to post on Sven's behalf, or would
this be considered "evasion"?

Or maybe it was intended that the above only apply for "deliberate
evasion by working around the restrictions" as opposed to accidental
once off evasion (e.g. IP addresses change for genuine reasons, email
addresses may change for genuine reasons) or somebody else posting on
Sven's behalf (presumably this person would be responsible for
ensuring the content is technical only).

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