On Tue, Jan 06, 2004 at 10:59:10PM -0500, Raul Miller wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 06, 2004 at 09:17:17PM -0600, John Goerzen wrote:
> > As time passes, it appears to me more and more that the continued
> > presence of non-free is incompatible with the long-term interests of our
> > stated goals, users and free software.
> Please be more specific.

That is what the rest of the message did :-)

> > part of Debian is languishing, to the point where arguments that quality
> > would suffer if it is removed from Debian are, at the very least,
> > questionable.
> If this is the case, we don't need to take any special action.

You think it is fine that we distribute something that is marching
towards "crap"?

> > To me, it's about living up to our own goals, and being the great force
> > in favor of Free Software that we can be.
> You do realize, don't you, that our current explicitly stated goals
> conflict with the goals you've claimed for us?  [In particular, your
> idea that users need to be protected from non-free software is at odds
> with the social contract.]

That is not my idea, and I explicitly stated that it is not.  Removing
non-free from our mirror network does not mean removing support for
people that wish to run non-free software on their Debian systems.

> Maybe you should provide a proposal which states the goals you'd want
> us to be following.

Did you miss this?


-- John

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