On Wed, Jan 07, 2004 at 09:59:51AM +1100, Craig Sanders wrote:
> > I do not believe Debian should be distributing such software.  It
> > rightly fails the DFSG.  For some users (for instance, a business) it is
> > actually less free than something without source (such as Netscape 4.7).
> > The no discrimination clause in DFSG is an important one.  Debian must
> > be equally Free for all.
> then by your logic, we must stop distributing GNU/FSF documentation, and we
> must stop distributing any GNU software that is distributed *WITH* non-free
> documentation.

Unless I'm very much mistaken, we've already decided that we will stop
distributing FDL docs in main, a decision which I unfortunately have no
choice but to support.  The accompanying software, however, it Free and
thus should remain in main.  The two are not inseparable.

> their new documentation license is not DFSG-free.
> some of us live in the real world, not lawyer-land.

Indeed.  Let us do a service for our users and provide them with only
the software that they can legally use, modify, distribute, and hack on,
together with documentation that meets those criteria.

That way, our users do not have to be any more knowledgable about the
law than you.

-- John

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