> Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2024 at 7:25 AM > From: "Bret Busby" <b...@busby.net> > To: debian-user@lists.debian.org > Subject: Re: The current package wpasupplicant doesn't support WPA3-Personal > authentication. What alternatives to it exist? > > > but, as you insist on whining, rather than making an effort, then, you > will never be satisfied until you have caused sufficient (for you) > gratuitous irritation... > Gramps, You need to relax and play with your grandchildren more often rather than sitting in front of your computer and taking out your frustrations on young girls like me. Shame on you!! This will be my last correspondence with grumpy old men like you.
- Re: The current package wpasupplic... Stella Ashburne
- Name calling? [WAS: Re: The cu... Andrew M.A. Cater
- Re: The current package wpasupplicant d... Greg Wooledge
- Re: The current package wpasupplicant doesn't s... Bret Busby
- Re: The current package wpasupplicant doesn... Stella Ashburne
- Re: The current package wpasupplicant d... Bret Busby
- Re: The current package wpasupplic... Stella Ashburne
- Re: The current package wpasupplicant doesn... Pocket
- Re: The current package wpasupplicant d... Stella Ashburne
- Re: The current package wpasupplic... Bret Busby
- Re: The current package wpasup... Stella Ashburne
- Re: The current package wpasupplicant doesn't s... Charles Curley
- Re: The current package wpasupplicant doesn't s... Stefan Monnier
- Re: The current package wpasupplicant doesn... Jeffrey Walton
- Re: The current package wpasupplicant doesn't support WP... Kushal Kumaran