> Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2024 at 7:13 AM > From: "Bret Busby" <b...@busby.net> > To: debian-user@lists.debian.org > Subject: Re: The current package wpasupplicant doesn't support WPA3-Personal > authentication. What alternatives to it exist? > > > Then "fail" seems to be the appropriate word. > > And you fail to see that the sub-heading contradicts the contents of the package's description. > From the text that I quoted from that web page, > > "wpa-supplicant is a userspace daemon handling connection and > authentication in wireless and wired networks, primarily secured with > the WPA/WPA2/WPA3 protocols" > > If all else fails, read the words in front of you. Being at least three decades younger than you, my eye sight is far superior to yours. You most probably are suffering from presbyopia but that's OK because it's normal for senior citizens.
- The current package wpasupplicant doesn't support WPA3-P... Stella Ashburne
- Re: The current package wpasupplicant doesn't suppo... Anssi Saari
- Re: The current package wpasupplicant doesn't s... Stella Ashburne
- Re: The current package wpasupplicant doesn... tomas
- Re: The current package wpasupplicant d... Bret Busby
- Re: The current package wpasupplic... Stella Ashburne
- Re: The current package wpasupplicant d... Stella Ashburne
- Re: The current package wpasupplic... Bret Busby
- Re: The current package wpasup... Stella Ashburne
- Name calling? [WAS: Re: Th... Andrew M.A. Cater
- Re: The current package wpasup... tomas
- Re: The current package wpasupplic... Greg Wooledge
- Re: The current package wpasup... debian-user
- Re: The current package wpasupplicant doesn... Bret Busby
- Re: The current package wpasupplicant d... Stella Ashburne
- Re: The current package wpasupplic... Bret Busby
- Re: The current package wpasup... Stella Ashburne
- Re: The current package wp... Charles Kroeger
- Re: The current package wp... Henning Follmann