
Marek Mosiewicz wrote:
> That should be probably explained by some expert on GPL in Wikipedia
> discussion here:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:License_compatibility


In general, Wikipedia authors are not allowed to be experts but
should rather be researchers for the writings of experts.
(I guess it would help the factual quality of many articles if experts
 could acquire an official witness status ...)

The professional experts for GPL are the lawyers and judges of the
country where a particular copyright or licence problem gets brought
to court.

As said in a previous mail, it matters much what the issuer of the
license states as intended interpretation of the GPL. So why not ask
the license issuers of your target project whether they would mind
software with your preferred license to be linked in ?


In the context of Debian it is amusing that one of the main combattants
on that wikipedia talk page is "Schily" = Joerg Schilling, the author of
cdrecord and mkisofs. His view on licensing earned his software an
ejection from Debian in 2006, which caused the forking of wodim and

Have a nice day :)


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