On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 05:30:30PM +0200, Marek Mosiewicz wrote:


> Unfortunetly I see that Free Software Foundation claims that MIT(X11)
> and BSD are GPL compatible [1]

I don't know what's "unfortunate". They are GPL compatible,
meaning you can take any BSD/MIT licensed piece of code and
integrate it into a GPL corpus. As you can integrate them
into any other proprietary corpus.

It isn't going to work the other way around (GPL isn't MIT
compatibe in the above sense). "Compatible" isn't a symmetric
relation (otherwise, the mentioned diagram would have lines,
not arrows :-)

> That seems to be serious problem for developers. I'm in process of
> selecting license for some new work for ADempiere project [2]
> That project is GPL2 licensed with commercial options avaialble [3]
> One main goal of selecting license is library community. Especially in
> Java ecosystem there is huge number of libraries written with Apache2
> license.
> It seems that currently only viable option is LGPL2.1+

That depends on what your goals and ideals are.

 - t

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