
> I think however that it is NOT true that you can link directly from
> BSD/MIT/Apache2 to corresponding strict GPL license.

Well, as said, Apache2-to-GPLv2 conversion is not acknowledged by FSF and
thus by most GPLv2(without+) issuers. If it was GPLv2+, then it would be ok,
because you could then derive GPLv3 from your license and the target
project's license.
>From a BSD license everybody can derive any other usage license.

Formally you and your users derive a license from the target project (as
far as permitted) and a matching one from your project.
If the target project is GPLv2, you cannot derive any other license from it.
So the license derived from your project has to be GPLv2, too.

That's absolute no problem starting from a BSD license.

> You need to RELICENSE your code to LGPL to be
> able to link it with GPL.

You and your users can relicense it as GPLv2 and link it with the GPLv2
target project, every time you or your users start it.
It is actually an ad-hoc process. You make sure that it can be done,
state that fact to those who are interested, and everybody who runs
that combination runs it as GPLv2 program ... or shall be curesed. ;-)

If it's a complicated network of license derivations, then write it down
and publish it with your license statement. But BSD->GPLv2 is simple.

Have a nice day :)


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