W dniu czw, 20.08.2020 o godzinie 13∶55 +0200, użytkownik
to...@tuxteam.de napisał:
> > 
> > Acctually after carefully reading GPL3 license it seems that having
> > copy or running GPL3 program privately is not prohibited, even if
> > you
> > violate license (section 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having
> > Copies.)
> That's absolutely right. GPL (2 or 3) puts no limits on usage, only
> on (re)distribution: you are allowed to (re)distribute if you grant
> the receiver the same rights which were granted to you under that
> license.
> (Actually, to be more precise, the limits are there by "normal"
> copyright
> law, and are lifted for you by the GPL).
That should be probably explained by some expert on GPL in Wikipedia
discussion here:


> Cheers
> -- t

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