
On Sun, Apr 12, 2020 at 10:57:05AM +0200, to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
> > Email is still important to me!
> >   Fine, you can interact with Discorse by email rather than the web
> > interface. It should be noted however, that there is *not 1:1 feature
> > partiy* with email and the web interface, as Discorse does things that
> > can't easily be done with email. For the majority of users though, email
> > interaction should be "good enough".
> I have the honor to be mail participant in a discourse forum.
> I don't like it *at all*.

About the biggest gripe I have with the Discourse is its inability to
function without Javascript. Even for a simple reading.
But I don't participate at forums (fora? whatever) anymore, so I have a
limited view here.

> It's not that "Discorse does things that > can't easily be done with
> email" -- this is *framing*. Discourse makes things which were easy
> by email practically impossible (like, for example, following up
> something in private).

The million euro question here is how actually good (or bad) is that
"e-mail interaction with Discourse" is.


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