On 07/31/2016 04:59 AM, Brian Wengel wrote:
I guess I wasn't clear....don't see my post as a wish or argument for
larger image sizes or the like. Actually the smaller the better, I
agree. I'm talking about media. The debian developers should erase
CD/DVD from their brian, and only focus on the technologies we use
today and have used for many years.
Whoops, I tended to agree with your position until I read the word
"should". The use of "should" implies a moral high ground which, as a
new user, is a position you do not hold.
I still use CD's and DVD's as I find them convenient to store in a 3
ring binder, all nice and flat in storage pages. I also have
several USB sticks which work just fine as well.
I have never had a problem finding the iso's.
Try this, google search on: download debian images
Click on the FIRST LINK
Select and download.
...and YOU wish to tell devel what to do??
gimmie a break, Ric
My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.