On Sunday 31 July 2016 09:59:44 Brian Wengel wrote:
> I'm talking about media. The debian developers should erase CD/DVD from
> their brian, and only focus on the technologies we use today and have used
> for many years.

I'm glad that you are rich and live in a rich country.  Many aren't and don't.  
In world terms most still use old computers.  Many computers still in every 
day use will not boot from USB, and even when they will do so, USB can be 
very problematic.

Debian's strength is that it allows the use of old technology and smaller 
boxen.  Have you tried to install Ubuntu on a Raspberry Pi A?  Oh, you 
probably don't want to.  But many do.  Horses for courses.  If you prefer 
Ubuntu and its ways, use Ubuntu.  If you have decided that you prefer Debian, 
for whatever reason, great.  And yes, the website could do with some tidying. 
Debian hasn't got a millionaire paying for web-designers.   But don't try to 
make Debian copy Ubuntu.

YOU like USB.  I agree that the Debian web-site is a maze, but disagree 
strongly that DVD and CD should be erased.

Incidentally, I have just been to the Ubuntu site as you suggested.  Mostly it 
just says "image".  But where it specifies it says:
our regional ***DVD*** image mirrors
 (my stars)

I personally actually find the whole Ubuntu installation business a nightmare 
unless you have a brand new, totally up-to-date, probably expensive, 
computer.  Then it is O.K.

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