On Sunday 31 July 2016 08:46:36 Brian Wengel wrote:
> Dear Debian community
> Maybe it’s just me, but as a rather new-comer to the Debian world a few
> things puzzles me.
> 1: Going to the download section is like being taken 15 years back. Isn’t
> it time to take the step to move away from the CD/DVD media and move into
> the USB Flash drive arena?

Debian has been ther for years.  Its images now, I believe, are all 

> I know the CD/DVD images also work on USB but maybe it’s time to actually
> stop calling it CD/DVD images? And I also see you can download 640MB
> images....where’s the floppy images? (sorry for my sarcasm ). I mean I just
> bought a 8GB USB flash drive for less than 5$!

Hey!!  That is one of Debian's great strengths.  Some of us love it.  You 
don't.  Fine.  Don't use it.  But don't try to deprive those of us who do.  
What has the price of USB sticks got to do with it?  Even in Holland you have 
people with slower internet connections.
> I’m not saying the images should not be DVD compatible, but make the USB
> the primary media in guides/naming etc….and perhaps make a link at the
> bottom of the download page(s) saying  “Are you using DVD media, read
> *here*” if that need some extra guidance.….don’t let the vast majority be
> bothered with it…..just my opinion.

With which I again disagree.  How about just making it clearer that they are 
iso-hybrid images?  As distinct from Ubuntu (which you quote) which is in my 
NSHO a pain to put on a USB stick.
> 2: I find it rather difficult and troublesome to find the image you want.
> When going to Debian.org it takes a long time to find your image. 

That is true.  One of the developers recently raised a bug on it.  I don't 
know whether anything is in progress.

> You have 
> to go true several pages, reading a lot of text and doing  a lot of
> mouse-clicking.
> Try to go to www.ubuntu.com and compare the download process?

Ouch!!  Give me Debian any day.

> .I think 
> you’ve made it exceptional complex. Yes, you might support more image
> options, but still!
> And calling it CD/DVD images isn’t helping either….when you’re sitting with
> a flash drive in your hand, as I believe the majority do.

No, you do.  Many do.  Many don't.  But it would certainly help to call them 
isohybrids and to make it easier to find things.  My own gripe is that it is 
so difficult to find the check sums.  

> Best regards
> Brian, Denmark

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