Le 31/07/2016 à 15:32, Andre Majorel a écrit :
> On 2016-07-31 10:59 +0200, Brian Wengel wrote:
>> I'm talking about media. The debian developers should erase
>> CD/DVD from their brian, and only focus on the technologies we
>> use today and have used for many years.
> My main computer, the one on which I'm writing this, cannot boot
> off USB. Installed Debian 8 on it about a year ago. Had to use a
> netinst CD.
> Not saying you don't have a point, just that it's easy to forget
> how diverse the world of Debian users is. Even if most people
> who install Linux do it on brand new PCs (which might or might
> not be true), the notion that Debian should be catering to the
> needs of "most people" is debatable. Even Ubuntu doesn't, since
> Linux is not what most people run.
> Again, I'm not against making it easier for people who install
> from pen drives, just reacting to your declaration that optical
> media can now be dispensed with.
And debian iso images can bve used on a USB key.

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