
On 08/26/2015 06:47 PM, Tim Tepatti wrote:
> I've just done a fresh minimal install of Debian Stretch, and noticed
> something odd. In ifconfig and iwconfig, all of my adapters have weird
> names, like "ens2" instead of "eth0".
> Can anyone tell me why this is? I tried to look it up online but
> couldn't find anyone else with the same issue. This is my first time
> running a Debian testing, is this a normal thing that occurs before a
> full release, or is this just a bug/misconfiguration on my end?

If you had done an upgrade (instead of a fresh install), APT would have
shown you the following message that can also be found in

systemd (220-7) unstable; urgency=medium

  * The mechanism for providing stable network interface names changed.
    Previously they were kept in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
    which mapped device MAC addresses to the (arbitrary) name they got when
    they first appeared (i. e. mostly at the time of installation). As this
    had several problems and is not supported any more, this is deprecated in
    favor of the "net.ifnames" mechanism. With this most of your network
    interfaces will get location-based names. If you have ifupdown, firewall,
    or other configuration that relies on the old names, you need to update
    these by Debian 10/Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, and then remove
    /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules. Please see
    /usr/share/doc/udev/README.Debian.gz for details about this.

 -- Martin Pitt <mp...@debian.org>  Mon, 15 Jun 2015 15:30:29 +0200

Also, upgrades would not have changed the current device name
(otherwise that would have broken the system, because the device
name is used in so many places that could not be changed
automatically), only fresh installs receive the new naming scheme.

This change and the reasoning behind it has been discussed on the
debian-devel mailinglist, see:

+ followups in the following month:

Note that when running Debian testing, since there are no release
notes, it is probably a good idea to following debian-devel to
know in advance of these types of changes. (Warning: high-volume
list and sometimes home to passionate discussions.) The release
notes of the next stable release, Stretch, will include information
on this, once they are written (it's too early for that), so that
people who are only running stable can read up on these types of

Hope that helps!


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