On Wednesday 26 August 2015 23:58:03 Nicolas George wrote:
> Le nonidi 9 fructidor, an CCXXIII, Renaud OLGIATI a écrit :
> > An added advantage is that on the day you replace your Ethernet NIC
> > because it was fried by lightning, and put a new one in its stead, your
> > network config will be buggered as the system will givethe new NICt
> > a name different from the one assigned to the old one, since it will have
> > a different MAC address..,
> Indeed, after two hours fiddling with firmwares hoping this is a software
> problem, then cables and hubs to find where the problem exactly is, then one
> hour and a half riding the subway to the other side of town where the shops
> that have discrete network cards nowadays are, and finally after you ruined
> six months uptime to shutdown and install the newly-bought card, editing a
> small config file is really the straw that broke the camel's back.
> Regards,

I give this comment 99 points for fine irony. I hope that Renaud has enough 
humour to find it funny too, especially since he lives in a town in which 
getting THE new NIC which is supported by his OS of choice is sometimes a wee 
bit difficult. 

Kind regards

Eike Lantzsch ZP6CGE
Agencia Shopping del Sol
Casilla de Correo 13005
1749 Asuncion / Paraguay

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