Le nonidi 9 fructidor, an CCXXIII, Renaud OLGIATI a écrit :
> An added advantage is that on the day you replace your Ethernet NIC 
> because it was fried by lightning, and put a new one in its stead, your 
> network config will be buggered as the system will givethe new NICt 
> a name different from the one assigned to the old one, since it will have 
> a different MAC address.., 

Indeed, after two hours fiddling with firmwares hoping this is a software
problem, then cables and hubs to find where the problem exactly is, then one
hour and a half riding the subway to the other side of town where the shops
that have discrete network cards nowadays are, and finally after you ruined
six months uptime to shutdown and install the newly-bought card, editing a
small config file is really the straw that broke the camel's back.


  Nicolas George

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