On Wed, 26 Aug 2015 13:01:07 -0400
Eike Lantzsch <zp6...@gmx.net> wrote:

> > I've just done a fresh minimal install of Debian Stretch, and noticed
> > something odd. In ifconfig and iwconfig, all of my adapters have weird
> > names, like "ens2" instead of "eth0".
> > 
> > Can anyone tell me why this is?  
> Yes
> https://wiki.freedesktop.org/www/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/
> can.
> > I tried to look it up online but
> > couldn't find anyone else with the same issue. This is my first time
> > running a Debian testing, is this a normal thing that occurs before a
> > full release, or is this just a bug/misconfiguration on my end?  
> Yes it is normal. Happened with disk names and UUIDs before.
> Lots of transitions in actively developed software.

A thought: Why not make those changes available to those who want or need them, 
and leave the great majority, who neither need nor want them, to continue as 
before ?
Or has it been decided on high that Debian Linux is no longer about users 
having the freedom to choose ?

Of course the only freedom remains and cannot be taken away, to drop Debian, 
and move to another distribution...

    Some people are worried about the difference between right and wrong.
            I'm worried about the difference between wrong and fun
                                                         -- P.J. O'Rourke
                   -- http://www.olgiati-in-paraguay.org --

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