You misunderstand my point. I really don't care if someone wished to read Mein Kampf, or any other trash for that matter. That isn't the point. My point is that I don't want *my* tax dollars to pay for it. I'm not saying,
it's not your tax dollars it's OUR tax dollars. and just to let you know mein kampf is a required reading in many high schools including mine. it was an important part of history and that book offensive or not was a big part of it. censorship and ignorance will never fix anything only knowlege will. and by denying people the right to read that book (many of us can not afford to buy all the books we read) you are denying people knowlege. that is why it is important to not censor and allow people to choose for themselves.
--Matt Stump -- "Dawn is nature's way of telling you to go to bed."