* Daniel Toffetti ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spake thusly:
> On Friday 15 March 2002 22:55, Dimitri Maziuk wrote:
> > * Manoj Srivastava ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spake thusly:
> > [ argument snipped ]
> >
> > You know Manoj, I've come to believe that "moral majority" people,
> > even if they look decent and clueful otherwise, are simply incapable
> > of understanding this kind of argument. Or any other kind, for that
> > matter. Must be some faulty wiring in the brain (ours, most likely;
> > otherwise we'd be the majority).
> >
> > Dima
> Dima, how can you be damn so concise and correct in all and every one 
> of your posts in the last months ?

That's because I'm an elitist arrogant prick with IQ of 2000. Also,
I don't get out much, so Usenet and d-u are the main receptacles of
my wisdom and brilliance.

> But, alas, perhaps it's not a faulty wiring. I'm sure it's just because 
> the "religious memecomplex" (http://www.lucifer.com/virus/memlex.html) 
> has a higher fitness value in some particular social environments.

Wrong. There was a particular social environment where killing
Jews was a Good Thing(tm). AFAIK, decent people in that environment
not only didn't kill Jews, but even helped them escape. So I'd argue
that it's up to the induhvidual to decide how a particular memecomplex
relates to their personal moral code.

I would further argue that if you (a generic you) know $memecomplex is 
wrong, but play along e.g. to further your personal interests, you may
not be a very nice person, but there is nothing wrong with your wiring.

It's people who believe that public libraries may not hold copies of
Playboy, Mein Kampf, Necronomicon or Kama Sutra (to name a few), "for
da kidz" or because their deity told them so.  They are the ones with 
faulty wiring. If I were the dictator, I'd have them, their relatives,
friends, and people who lent them money killed in a particularly slow
and unpleasant manner (raping the dog and burning the house is optional 
and will be left to the discretion of Emergency Response Team Officers 
at the scene).

FFS, let's censor the hell out bitchx because otherwise $government
$agency might show up one night and throw bitchx maintainer in jail.
Let's not censor it because some moron has a teenage daughter and
is afraid she'll discover boys one day.

The wombat is a mixture of chalk and clay used for respiration.      -- MegaHal

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