  Beware, all that tread below enter... The OT Zone.

> Ha!  You've got that right :-)  Of course in the context it probably
> includes all forms of what Fundamentalist Christians define as paganism.
> That is, to them, anything not within their narrow minded view of their
> god is pagan or Satanist.

  FWIW, since I've been deemed a fundamentalist, I guess I should be able to 
tell you if your view is correct. And no, it is not. Satanism is use to refer 
to only what it sounds like worship of Satan/Lucifer/Devil/whatever other 
names you wish to use. This is what they say they are doing, and so it is a 
fair name.
  Paganism in modern times is generally used to refer to worship of earth and 
earthen idols, and to a lessor extent Satanists. Probably the most common 
thing it references is Wiccan, and I believe the Wiccans I know and work with 
would not consider it a bad thing to be called pagan (I could be wrong on 
this, I use proper names for religions so it doesn't matter in my case).

  I promise this will be my last post at all to this list. However, if anyone 
is interested in a discussion (read: a discussion, not an argument), I'd be 
happy to discuss it with you further.


Timothy R. Butler                    [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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