>>"Timothy" == Timothy R Butler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Timothy> Hi,
 >> Tom Sawyer?

        Huckelberry Finn, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Moll Flanders, any book on
 the glories of the wild wild west and the native savages, Gone with
 the wind, Quentin Durward, Ivanhoe (anti-semitic), hakespeare (also
 anti semitic, really -- pound of flesh and all), The Scarlet letter,
 Scarlet Pimpernell (well, classist).

 Timothy>   Hmm... that wouldn't be on my list of controversial
 Timothy> books. How about a better example. If I wanted to read Mein
 Timothy> Kampf (sp?) by Adoph Hitler, do you think I could get that
 Timothy> at my library? I certainly hope not.

        I sure can. And I have read it too.

 Timothy> I mean depending on how far one would take this, maybe we
 Timothy> should enforce new rules to make sure every hateful document
 Timothy> or program on the internet should be included to avoid
 Timothy> censoring anyone. Obviously, I think at a point everyone
 Timothy> will draw a line on what should be included. Otherwise you'd
 Timothy> have one big mess.

        The old testament has material about genocide in it. Think
 about that.

 free speech is not only about speech we like
 Law of the Jungle: He who hesitates is lunch.
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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