Rob Ransbottom wrote: > > On Wed, Feb 13, 2002 at 06:16:18PM +0000, Gerard Robin wrote: > > | I have the oppotunity to get hold of few omputers 486 SX > | (33Mz, 25Mz, hard disk = 89 Mb or 127 Mb) > | before they go to the rubbish. > | I wanted install the minimum of linux for the mail > | (exim, mutt, fetchmail, procmail, etc..) > | but my CD-ROM drive is ignored by the bios of these machines > | and so I must install linux with diskets 1.44, but I have two > | questions: > | is it possible to do it ? And if it's possible how can I do this. > | Can someone help me or point the documentation in this matter.
Heck, why not buy a few cheapy nics and build a beowulf cluster? *grin* One of our departments here are rumored to have a large number (ie. hundreds) of 486s running such a cluster, and it is very nice, so I am told... Tom