On Wed, Feb 13, 2002 at 06:16:18PM +0000, Gerard Robin wrote: | I have the oppotunity to get hold of few omputers 486 SX | (33Mz, 25Mz, hard disk = 89 Mb or 127 Mb) | before they go to the rubbish. | I wanted install the minimum of linux for the mail | (exim, mutt, fetchmail, procmail, etc..) | but my CD-ROM drive is ignored by the bios of these machines | and so I must install linux with diskets 1.44, but I have two | questions: | is it possible to do it ? And if it's possible how can I do this. | Can someone help me or point the documentation in this matter.
Yes it is possible. Lack of memory might be an issue if you have 4 or less megs. There is nothing odd about your install, just check out the disks-i386/current/ directory. Assuming you want dialup text mail clients you might want to see if any of the tiny distributions would be more convenient. This seems the best bet. Or you could build a Debian system in a partition and use a tiny distribution to nfs it to the target. Plip might be your best cable since it seems there is no ethernet. Or put the target drive in your development machine and just use cp instead.