Em Qua, 2002-02-13 às 21:49, Seneca Cunningham escreveu:
> Michel Loos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Em Qua, 2002-02-13 às 15:40, Mark Janssen escreveu:
> > > On Wed, 2002-02-13 at 19:16, Gerard Robin wrote:
> > >
> > >     hello,
> > >     I have the oppotunity to get hold of few omputers 486 SX
> > >     (33Mz, 25Mz,  hard disk = 89 Mb or 127 Mb)
> > >     before they go to the rubbish.
> > >
> > > It will be a really painful and slow task... but it'll work...
> provided
> > > they have some
> > > decent amount of memory (8 being the bare minimum... 16 works good)
> > >
> > I must disagree here, worked for me on 386 with 4MB RAM, just forget
> > about any graphical interface and it really works fine.
> Do think it is possible for me to get it onto my 386 with 1M RAM? I can
> do my own compiling on a pentium, but I would need to get it onto 1.2M
> floppies (I can't get into my 386's BIOS, so it can't boot off of its
> 1.4M drive (only the 1.2M or harddrive)). I know that the results could
> be somewhat slow, but anything is faster (and more stable) than watching
> it labour through windoze. I don't even have most of the DOS commands
> (fixing a corrupt floppy, and the harddrive was overwritten with floppy
> info instead of the floppy).

With a 400MB HD, yes it will run potato with basic stuff.
And if you used to it with win3.11 you will feel it flies with debian.
This gives a reasonable non-graphic terminal, for mail and remote


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