Christian Schoenebeck wrote:
> Am Montag, 18. Februar 2002 00:26 schrieb Tom Cook:
> >
> > Heck, why not buy a few cheapy nics and build a beowulf cluster?  *grin*
> >
> > One of our departments here are rumored to have a large number (ie.
> > hundreds) of 486s running such a cluster, and it is very nice, so I am
> > told...
> >
> > Tom
> Yeah, sounds nice, but how will you get the money to build the power plant
> you need?

Oh, come now, what's a 486 with no monitor or disk eat?  50 Watts at the
absolute most?  So you can run four off a 200W AT power supply.  Say if
there are two hundred, that's only 10kW; it'd only draw about 40 amps;
you could run that on three household circuit-breakers (to conform to
Australian standards).


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