also sprach nate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002.01.10.2049 +0100]:
> i hear win2000 and XP improves on some issues, but
> after 8 years of using MS stuff(DOS3.x -> NT4) i left
> and never looked back. i gave them a fair chance, i don't
> think they deserve another.

excuse me? did you *ever* productively (have to) employ either of the
two? IMHO, NT4 is the last usable windoze, if windoze has to be used. XP
is an absolute joke (micro$oft's long-term strategy seems to be to rule
the world with a gameboy in every pocket, running XP), and 2000, well...

while micky$oft surely had good intentions to improve upon and extend
NT4, they really just screwed up. don't i faintly remember "everything
will be centrally administrateable in the MMC", or "more secure"??? yeah
right, redmond!

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"time flies like an arrow. fruit flies like a banana."
                                                       -- groucho marx

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