50. Typical North American mongrel, which is to say profoundly mixed, mostly western European ancestry. Husband and father, scouter, ham. Amateur philosopher in the true meaning of both. Closet linguist. I love to read, mostly speculative ficition. I like most kinds of music but especially blues and rock&roll. If you know the phrase "the blues had a baby and they called it rock&roll" then you know what I like.
Summer of 1970 I took a short course called Intro to Computer Science. Didn't have sense enough to recognize a vocation when I saw one. Summer of '80 or '81 I paid way too much for a 32K TRS80. Then Coco, OS-9, DOS, Win3.1. Summer of '95 a friend gave me a Slackware CD and literally changed my life. Learned the hard lessons on Slack, got comfortable with SuSE, came home to Debian. Often spend too long doing things by hand, then find out that Debian has a script... Parlayed a ham ticket and a passing acquaintance with packet radio into a position in data communications at a power company. Parlayed that and a passing acquaintance with Linux into my current position. I tend a gaggle of Digital Unix boxes in the Energy Management System. Mostly sysadmin type stuff, a little perl, a little this and that. -- Bud Rogers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> All things in moderation. And not too much moderation either.