Phillip Deackes wrote:
> On 24 Dec 2001 17:44:44 -0500
> > Erik Steffl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > No, but when a business chooses degenerate mail and forces everyone to
> > use it, I'd be pretty suspicious of high-level idiocy within the
> > business.

  I did not write that, it was written in a response to my email.

> It is about *choice* not just your choice but that of others working in
> the company too. Imagine if each employee had a different opinion - there
> are a plethora of different OSs and MUAs out there - and if each employee
> was this dogmatic. I am ICT Coordinator in a school, so I am in a position
> where I could move from Windows NT4/Windows 98 to a Linux solution, but I
> must consider the opinions, however misguided, of other users in the
> school. Democracy is like that. The majority opinion is in a great many
> cases not the best opinion.

  choose an open standard which generally gives people most choices -
which exchange is not (it depends how exactly you configure it though)

> Are you like this when your company offers you a company car? Would you
> resign because it was not the car you would have preferred?

  note that this is targeted to the guy who responded to me, not to me.

  in my opinion one should judge overall situation, not every little
detail. I wouldn't go there working as mail server admin though:-) one
serious problem is caledar functionality - if they would replace
exchange by some other email solution how wold they achieve same
calendar functionality?


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