22, er, 32, er, 33 year old (how'd that happen?) WM.  In the heart
(pit?) of the Silicon Valley right now, a stone's throw from one of the
first Internet nodes (SRI).  Not likely to be found at this particular
ICBM coordinate set much longer, though I'm likely to remain in northern

User, some development, lots of systems and network administration.
Professionally, my main computer gig has been SAS work (large scale
proprietary enterprise reporting package), though I've been divorcing
myself of that for the past few years, largely for the ways it doesn't
resember GNU/Linux or free software in any meaningful way.

Education.  Um.  They tell me so.  BS Ag & Man Econ, UCDavis, on the
"I'll take another" year plan.  Despite that, a long-term interest in
sciences (was originally a physics major) and computers (first
experience was as a kid at the Lawrence Hall of Science computer labs,
using what must've been early BSD or System 6, on teletype).  But
interests are eclectic:  history, biology, information theory,
semiotics, ecology, and others.  Smattering of German, less French, and
minimal Spanish.

Offline:  swimming and biking (nationally ranked as a young'un, 200 &
400 medley relay), backpacking & peak bagging (Sierras), travel (AU, NZ,
and an x-country US roadtrip in the past year, also a few EU trips).
Classical and jazz, though I typically listen to NPR these days.
Commercial radio sucks, and TV isn't worth the time.

Politics/Religion.  Hmmm..."Church of the Third Law" applies to both.
If you've not heard of Ursula Hegi's _Stones From the River_, read it.
Her experience is similar to my mother's -- childhood in WWII Germany,
emigrated to the US, raised a family here.  First heard her on a radio
interview about four or five years back, it was an epiphany.  Other
strong influences include Mancur Olsen's _The Logic of Collective
Action_, and anything written by Lawrence Lessig.  Not left or right.
Firm belief that large pools of low entropy are inherently dangerous:
tall buildings, large crowds, nuclear power, comprehensive databases,
absolute power, monopolies.  Seek the mean, keep energies and potentials
balanced.  Bipolar constructs are inherently more stable than monopolar
(hegemonical) ones, and multipolar (diversified) structures better than
both.  That's not total anarchy -- nexuses of power or control within a
larger pool are OK, and virtually requisite.

Above all else:  pragmatism, though not without a measure of idealism.

Strong interest in legal and structural issues within free software, and
the interplay of these and the technology.

Peace, and best $MIDWINTER_RITUAL wishes to all.

Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?              Home of the brave
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/                    Land of the free
We freed Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA! http://www.freesklyarov.org
Geek for Hire                      http://kmself.home.netcom.com/resume.html

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