Thought I'd throw in mine:
40 - ack thpt! - yr old ex actor and present poet. Separated from second
wife; no kids but a seeming multitude of cats. Have an M.F.A. in acting and
a Ph.D. in Dramatic Arts ... by all rights, I should presently be teaching
Theatre at some fine institution of higher learning but it just didn't
happen. Instead, I started writing (I can't in all honesty say 'designing')
websites back in 1995, which was my first contact with anything UNIX-y and
with the idea that a computer could be more than a souped-up typewriter
(despite my early love of the sciences and one assembly-language class back
in high school in the mid-70s). Tried Linux, out of sheer massed interest,
in late 1998 ... went from Slackware to SuSE to Debian, which I love for its
purity and ease of use. I'm also running and greatly enjoying FreeBSD. Employed
as an E-Business Manager at The United Way of New York City -- unfortunately an
all-Windows house. Linux opened the box at my feet and showed me its wonders
like nothing else before or since.