Subject: Re: Setting Path ENV variable
        Date: Tue, Dec 21, 1999 at 08:26:30PM -0500

In reply to:Wayne Topa

Quoting Wayne Topa([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
>|      Subject: Re: Setting Path ENV variable
>|      Date: Mon, Dec 20, 1999 at 03:08:33PM -0800
>| In reply to:Andy Thomas
>| Quoting Andy Thomas([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
>| >| Ok... where is .bash_profile for root supposed to be located?  I've got 
>| >| for a user ("jimmy") I've created in /home/jimmy/.bash_profile and another
>| >| one in /etc/skel/.bash_profile.  Edit the /etc/skel one or create a new 
>| >| in /etc?
>| each user, including root can have a .bash_profile in there home
>| directory to customize the enviroment for that user.  They 'could' be
>| all the same or different, depending on the user.  When you add a new
>| user, there isn't a .bash_profile made by the add user command, IIRC.
>| copy etc/skel/.bash_profile to your (or the users) home directory and
>| modify it till it does what you want.
>| root's home directory is /root.  Your new, huh.
>| >| 
>| >| So is there no need for .bashrc under Debian as described by the O'Reilly
>| >| book?
>| >| 
>| Well now I wouldn't say that.  I use .bashrc to keep my alises's in
>| and also any short scripts in (tarc() tart() tarx() like in the
>| O'reilly book).
>| alias ldir='vdir | grep ^d' 
>| alias ap='apropos '
>| alias avail='less /var/lib/dpkg/available'
>| alias pslpt='cat  | psnup -2 -pletter | lpr'
>| alias quit='play /usr/lib/sounds/goodbye.wav ; soundoff -m ; shutdown -h now;
>| This makes it easier to use some long commands and if you forget the
>| command you just have to type alias at the command prompt and there
>| they all are.
>| NOTE: add the bit below here somewhere in your .bash_profile
>| if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
>|   source ~/.bashrc
>| fi
>| NOTE2:  If you modify (edit) either .bash_profile or .bashrc, to make
>| the changes take effect, you don not need to logout and back in again,
>| sinply do . .bash_profile  and they will both be reloaded.
>| >| What happens if I've already set /etc/profile to the path I want and it
>| >| still truncates it with just the default entries?  Is that a no-no (adding
>| >| custom path entries to /etc/profile)?
>| Well I wouldn't advise changing /etc/profile.  It is there as a
>| general PATH for most users.  Thats why you should add 'your' paths to
>| the statement I mentioned before, in .bashrc

                                sorry, not .bashrc but in .bash_profile.  :-(  
doing to much
                                at once!!!
>| HTH
>| -- 
>| User n.:
>|         A programmer who will believe anything you tell him.
>| _______________________________________________________

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