Well, after 2 days of fiddleing, compiling and recompiling, I finally
got mesag3-glide to compile and installed it.  Things work good.  Most
of the demos that come with mesa work, and q3demoTEST also works,
kinda.  It's a bit jerky, and I don't know why.  Don't know whether
it's my computer, or something else.  Anyways, for those of you who
might be interested, I've attached a text file describing what I did.
It goes into a bit of detail, since I aimed it at newbie level, so
please don't be offended if it seems to go into excrusating detail.
Any comment and suggests are also welcome.


1. Download, compile, and install device3dfx-source.  I have a custom
kernel with both alsa and device3dfx modules.  kernel-package is so
2. Compile and install the Glide2x Packages.  The glide3x package
doesn't work with Mesa-3.0.  
        i. Download source RPM from 
        ii. Have alien and rpm installed.
        iii. Install source rpm.  rpm -i Glide_V3-2.60-10.src.rpm.
        This should install the sources under in /usr/src/redhat.
        iv. edit /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/Glide_V2-2.60.spec.
            a. Change the line 
                      export CC=i386-glibc20-linux-gcc
                      export CC=gcc
            b. Change the line
                      export CC=egcs
                      export CC=egcc
        Here are my diffs.
             /usr/src/redhat/SPECS$ diff Glide_V3-2.60.spec Glide_V3-2.60.spec~
             < export CC=gcc
             > export CC=i386-glibc20-linux-gcc
             < export CC=egcc
             > export CC=egcs
        v. Make sure that you have xlib6g-dev installed.
        vi. build the rpms.  rpm -ba
        vii. assuming that works (I hope I haven't forgotten
        anything.  I didn't write it down when I did it.) you should
        have Glide_V3-2.60-10.i386.rpm and Glide2x_SDK-2.1-10.i386.rpm
        sitting in /usr/src/redhate/RPMS/i386.  Debianize these with
        alien.  alien Glide_V3-2.60-10.i386.rpm and 
        alien Glide2x_SDK-2.1-10.i386.rpm.
        viii. Install the debs.  dpkg -i glide-v3_2.60-11_i386.deb and
        dpkg -i glide2x-sdk_2.1-11_i386.deb.
3. Now download and compile the mesag3 package.
   i. make sure that you have as deb-src line in
   /etc/apt/sources.list.  I have
        deb-src http://ftp.ca.debian.org/debian stable main contrib
   ii. get the source as root, otherwise the permissions will not be
   right.  In fact, do all of the following as root.
       apt-get source mesag3
   iii. cd mesa-3.0/debian
   iv. rename rules.bak to rules and control.bak to control.  Take
   appropriate backup precautions.  (Well, you don't have to.  You can
   always just re-download the source.  But it's good practice anyways.)
               mv rules.bak rules
   v. edit rules.  remove the comments from the first three lines
   after ifeq ($(ARCHITECTURE), i386).  Here are the diffs.
         /usr/src/mesa-3.0/debian# diff rules~ rules
         <       # ( cd src && make clean && make linux-386-glide && make clean 
&& make linux-386-glide-static )
         <       # ( cd src-glu && make clean && make linux-386-glide && make 
clean && make linux-386-glide-static )
         <       # mv lib/libMesa* lib/glide
         >       ( cd src && make clean && make linux-386-glide && make clean 
&& make linux-386-glide-static )
         >       ( cd src-glu && make clean && make linux-386-glide && make 
clean && make linux-386-glide-static )
         >       mv lib/libMesa* lib/glide
    vi. make rules executable.  chmod +x rules
    vii. cd .. (Change back into the mesa-3.0 directory)
    viii. Make mklib.glide5 executable.  chmod +x mklib.glide5
    ix. Make sure that you have the following package installed.
    x. compile the package.  In the mesa-3.0 directory
        dpkg-buildpackage -b
        and wait.  Well, on a P200MMX it's quite a wait.
        I get the following error at the end of all this waiting.
          dpkg-deb: control directory has bad permissions 2755 (must be >=0755 
and <=0775)
          make: *** [binary-arch] Error 2
        To fix this I changed the permissions of
        mesa-3.0/debian/tmp/DEBIAN to 0755.
                chmod 0755 debian/tmp/DEBIAN (from the mesa-3.0
        To finish off you have to manually run the debian/rules
        makefile from the mesa-3.0 directory
                make -f debian/rules binary
     xi. Now you should have the following debs in the directory above

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