On 20-Dec-1999 Andy Thomas wrote:
> Ok... where is .bash_profile for root supposed to be located?  I've got one
> for a user ("jimmy") I've created in /home/jimmy/.bash_profile and another
> one in /etc/skel/.bash_profile.  Edit the /etc/skel one or create a new one
> in /etc?
> So is there no need for .bashrc under Debian as described by the O'Reilly
> book?

You will need .bashrc for non-login shells.  In my .bash_profile, I have

source $HOME/.bashrc

I put this in my .bash_profile for my PATH:


All my aliases are in .bashrc but my .bash_profile 'sources' .bashrc so my
aliases are available for login and non-login shells.


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