Subject: Re: Setting Path ENV variable Date: Tue, Dec 21, 1999 at 11:15:06PM -0000
In reply to:Pollywog Quoting Pollywog([EMAIL PROTECTED]): >| > >| > The /etc/profile PATH statement is for everyone. To add _to_ that >| > PATH you should do the following in _your_ .bash_profile >| > >| > export PATH="PATH:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/x11:" >| >| I have this but with PATH="$PATH:/usr/etc....." >| Should I remove the "$"? shuush :-( again. Will I ever learn to proof read! No leave it in! PATH=$PATH..... is the 'correct' way to do it. Sorry for my mistype. -- Don't compute and drive; the life you save may be your own. _______________________________________________________