Hi all, Except cfengine there is another hopefully better because debian specific solution I discovered recently installing hamm. I mean
# dpkg --root=/another_machine_root_dir <deb_file> Think about the great possibilities it gives! Let's assume # mkdir /var/lib/dpkg/DebianFarm # for i in $FarmMachineNames ; do { > mkdir /var/lib/dpkg/DebianFarm/$i; > mount -t nfs $i:/ /var/lib/dpkg/$i > }; done Then we can at any time do: # for i in $FarmMachineNames ; do > dpkg --install --root=/var/lib/dpkg/DebianFarm/$i <deb_package>; > done Of course it doesn't eliminate cfengine because such scripts may serve only for instalation purposes. But installing the full system takes at least an hour counting from the first dselect start. In this particular case it allows to save 200 hours. BTW, it appears to be neccessary to have a possibility of using dselect to choose packages and resolve all conflicts/dependencies and then export package names IN PROPER ORDER (this is probably one of hamm's bugs) to a file which could be an argument for the script proposed above. Is it possible? -- Jerzy Kakol -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .