But I would suggest reading the article anyway.  If RedHat makes it "easy"
to install on many machines, the group in the article did NOT use such a
solution.  Instead, they spent time writing some scripts and setting up
a generic hdd that they sent to their hardware vendor.  The scripts were
designed to customize each machine as it arrived.  I have never really
seen a solution to this problem (although I find it hard to imagine that
RedHat has solved it - it seems tough to me).


On 10-Feb-98 Hunter H Marshall wrote:
> Behan Webster wrote:
>> Hunter H Marshall wrote:
>> >
>> > Tim Sailer wrote:
>> > >
>> > > They want to be able
>> > > to configure 1 machine and mirror the setup to each machine
>> >
>> > See if the recent aricle in Linux Journal might be
>> > of help. The article concerned the use of 160
>> > Alpha Linux boxes for graphics rendering. I belive
>> > it was the Jan '98 issue.
>> >
>> > http://www.ssc.com/lj/
>> >
>> Since Tim wants reason to use Debian instead of Redhat, and the article
>> you suggest talks of using Redhat, that probably won't be very helpful.
> I do not have the article in hand. I was afraid of
> something like that!
>       hunter "red-faced" marshall
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